Upcoming Events

February 2025
Goat Dressing
Are y’all READY to have some FUN?
Goat Dressing will be Saturday night at 6pm in the coliseum! 3 man team with one person of the opposite sex… 2 boys and 1 girl or 2 girls and 1 boy.
Each contestant on each team will be responsible for helping dress the goat. The outfit will be provided and consist of shorts, shirt and bow. Two teams compete against each other. First team across the finish line with no disqualifications will advance. This will be run in a bracket format.
No age limit— it’s open to ALL AGES—- younger kids to older adults welcome to enter.

Tough Enough to Wear Pink Rodeo
Sunday will be our Tough Enough to Wear Pink Rodeo and prizes will be awarded to the “pinkest” boy and girl in both JH and youth.

Costume Contest
The costume contest will take place on Saturday and prizes will be awarded in each category. So excited to see what everyone comes up with this year.

We will accept the first 30 High School Teams and the First 30 JH/youth Teams to enter and pay up. All teams are 3 person teams and must include atleast 1 person of the opposite sex… 2 boys/1girl or 2 girls/1boy. The events will be Breakaway, Goat tying and barrel racing. You can be on 2 teams but you can not enter the same team twice and no one can do the same event twice. A Calcutta will be held before the event!!! Get those teams formed!!! A google entry form coming soon!!!!

Taco Bar and Street Dance
This will be held in front of the arena complex and utilize the new outdoor area Nolan County has created this summer. Michele Jones will send out a sign up genius for everyone to pitch in and help with the taco bar. We have hired a DJ and can’t wait for the kids to dance the night away. This is a weekend we share with High School and they are welcome to join in on this fun night!!
Youth is invited to the dance, can be on teams in the JH division of the triathlon, can enter the Halloween costume contest and gets awards for pink out day!!!!